Friday, January 1, 2016

Thoughts on New Year's resolutions and actions

January First, 2016

     Wishes and Resolutions.

I always hesitate to make resolutions, because a week from now there will still be chocolate and good bread to avoid and cold weather to walk through in order to exercise.  Besides, those things are less resolutions than commitments to health and well being.  And, they do not make the world better, they are "first world" problems and in truth, at least this mama is intending to find a resolution that is not self-centered.

    Self-centered.  A lot of blogs and authors and agencies recommend self-centeredness  as something healthy.  "Put yourself first".   In watching the world of late, specifically American politics, the biggest problem IS putting ourselves first.  Being afraid of others.  Not wanting to share wealth and resources with others.  Thinking of people who are different from us in some visible or tangible way as "others".

     Starting a new year, my question will be "How can I help?"  Send money?  Speak up for those who have less privilege and therefore less voice?  Be present with those who are alone?  Smile more and share abundantly with whomever needs a friend, a meal, shelter, a visit?  

    Overwhelming needs are in our world.  I live in a small town in a small state in a huge country. There is only so much I can do and yet...  It is a new year and the only thing I can do is try.

If you read this and are looking for a place to start...a food pantry, homeless shelter or aid organization will welcome your offers to join them.  Current international organizations I love are :
International Rescue Committee.  Www.rescue org
BlinkNow (Kopila Valley Children's Home)
ShelterBox USA
Mary's Meals