Sunday, December 9, 2012

Beit Shalom - House of Peace

   There is a fire in the wood stove. Beloved child is making her own supper. I have warm tea in my mug and classical music on the computer. Peace at home.

     I volunteered on the Polar Express today. Six hours of serving hot chocolate and cookies and singing Christmas songs with train loads (4 separate trips) of families with small children.  Most every family comes ready to be a part of the magic. They come in their pajamas or holiday sweaters (you have to wear them somewhere I guess). We volunteers greet them upon arrival, settle them in their seats, facilitate the taking of family photos and then serve drinks and treats, all the while smiling, trying to talk over the recorded Polar Express soundtrack and being unceasingly cheerful.  It is a LOT of fun!  It is also a lot of work.   Some children are shy and don't readily interact with strangers.  Some children are ready to jump into my arms and dance in the aisles.   By 4 p.m. my throat was sore from singing/yelling and my ears were tired of the musical assault caused by enthusiastic people who cannot carry a tune.   All said, it was a good day and I am happy to be home.

   I came home to the beloved child cleaning her room.   She has her laundry done, homework almost done and is in a fabulous and relaxed mood.  No one needs anything from me tonight.  I can sit in the chair with my book (Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver) and not move, if I so choose.

                 Tonight I am living in the House of Peace.    I'm feeling thankful.

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